Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Late Breaking JNL Fusion News Released as 3 Women in Different States Lose Over 183 lbs & 29 Dress Sizes All Due to Jennifer Nicole Lee's JNL Fusion Training Method

Its rare that you hear of weight loss success stories right after the hectic high calorie holiday season. It's common that only beginning on January 1st, new year weight loss resolutions are made. However, there is a health, wellness and fitness revolution happening, causing late breaking and current motivational weight loss stories to surface, all due to Jennifer Nicole Lee's [JNL Fusion workout method.

However, [Jennifer Nicole Lee wasnt always in shape, and in fact was at once very overweight. By way of background, when Jennifer Nicole Lee became a mother, she was faced with over 80 ugly pounds of fat to lose. She had little to no energy to take care of her children, let alone herself. She states that is was this pain and suffering in her own self-inflicted 'fat suit' that caused her to take serious action and finally say good bye to the heavy weight for good. She had unsuccessfully attempted to lose the weight, only to gain it all back. However, she states that she knew this time would be different, because she now had small children to take care of, and there was no room for error or diet relapse. With her razor sharp focus, and h women's coats er kids in her mind, she dove head in first and started studying the secrets of the world's fittest athletes, super fitness models, figure competitors, and professional athletes to see what their own success principles were to their training methods. She then took what she learned, and compiled the best movements, combined with her own signature trademark moves, into one training method now called 'JNL Fusion'. JNL Fusion is named after her initials, and then the word fusion which represents a blending of different training methods, also a blending of strength and cardio elements together in one workout. In one interview, Jennifer stated that Fusion also represented the free-form style that she enjoys training in, allowing her mind, body, and spirit to be free from popular gym and workout rules, and to mix it all up.

The science behind JNL Fusion is the element of "super spiking'. Super spiking is JNL's trademark method of training, where she will perform a movement to the max potential for a 30 second time frame. However, the science doesn't stop there. It's compounded by the method strictly being performed in 6 complete circuits, of 2 different sets. The two different sets are always a strength move for 30 seconds, immediately followed by a intense cardio blast. This innovative formula has many benefits and features, including breaking through weight loss plateaus, increasing one's strength, stamina, and endurance. In addition, the cardio bursts are mostly signature trademark body weight movements created by Jennifer Nicole Lee. There are a total of 66 acknowledged JNL Fusion Cardio bursts. The top 14 are listed here in no particular order: SNATCH & GRABS, TITANIUM TUCKS, HOT COALS, SEXY SCISSORS, JNL FUSION JACKS, FUSION GLIDES, FUSION SKIERS, FUSION FOUR, FUSION HOP SCOTCH, JNL FUSION POWER PLIE PLYOS,    NO LIMIT JUMPS, CORE AND QUAD KICKS, HALF BURPEES, FUSION EXPLOSIVE JACKS.

The science of this new revolutionary and private VIP training method once only reserved for top professional athletes and top paying clients is soon to be available in a complete 12 exercise DVD collection sold at http://www.JNLFusion.com

There are extreme weight loss success stories to back up the effectiveness and efficiency of the JNL Fusion method. For instance 3 different women in 3 different states have lost over 183 lbs and 29 dress sizes.

Allison Breen of Portland Oregon has lost a total of 83 pounds and counting. She went from a size XL to a small. At her last major key media interview, she stated she now proudly wears an extra small in most of her clothes. She is now a JNL Fusion Master trainer, who teaches the method in her own privately held seminars and wellness workshops.

Taryn Shea Loughran of Palm Beach County, Florida is another JNL Fusion weight loss success story, having gone from a humongous size 14 now down to a tight and tiny size 2. She lost a total of over 50 lbs.

Nissa Sallas of Dallas Texas went from being sick to sexy on the JNL Fusion method, losing over 50 pounds and slimming down fast from a size 18 to a sleek size 4. Last December of 2010 she had a 10 lb tumor removed. After being faced with this harsh reality of being sick and almost dying, she decided to make the personal commitment to the JNL Fusion method. The following month of January of 2011, she flew out to meet and work with Jennifer Nicole Lee at her JNL Fusion World Conference one on one. Nissa now

In closing, it seems that JNL's goal is not to get some fit lady into super fit shape, to then give her a short lived 3 minutes of glory on the bikini competition circuit. But rather, it seems that JNL's true sincere passion is to positively change people's lives on a much deeper level, helping them free themselves of their own self inflicted fat suit, just as she once suffered too. As it states on her numerous websites, "Its my goal and passion to increase the quality of your lifestyle." JNL is obviously doing this, and more, with her JNL Fusion method of training.


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